I signed up for a sampler quilting class at Luella's Quilt Basket in Redondo Beach. I've made quilts before but I thought it would be good to learn how to do it "the right way." I managed to miss the first week when the class was choosing fabric so I dropped by the shop and Luella was super nice and helped me pick out some fabrics. She told me the key is to pick a first fabric that has lots to work with in terms of color and pattern and then go from there. I want to do something for the little boy in my life so we went with bright and cheery...
I met up with Lady Linoleum this weekend and headed to downtown Los Angeles to check out Michael Levine. It truly is a sewing utopia packed with fabric, buttons, yarn, notions, etc. etc. and wow is it dangerous to the credit card. It's spread over 3 shops and the Loft sells fabric remnants by weight, although you do have to be prepared to sort through boxes and boxes of stuff. I had a fantastic time and it was lovely to meet and hang out with Regina. Here are some of the goodies I picked up.
One of my favorite things about living in Los Angeles is all the great places we have to visit in and around the city. A family favorite is the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach where a visit to the otters is a must! We also recently visited Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro after reading about it in Sunset magazine. It's on a much smaller scale than Long Beach but just as much fun, especially the touching pool. Here are some photos of the kid enjoying himself.
Based on a Denyse Schmidt pattern from her new book Denyse Schmidt Quilts here is Jack the Cat. Jack is on his way to a certain little girl I know in time for her 4th birthday. Hope she likes him.
If you have never been to downtown Torrance, CA, it's worth a visit for it's main street USA architecture and antique shops. But on the forth Sunday of the month is the Downtown Torrance Antique Street Faire. The faire is on a much smaller scale than most of the other Southern California flea markets I go to and I always find something interesting.
Last week I picked up these pink thistle brush Christmas trees – I’m addicted to pink Christmas decorations - and some really lovely Little Golden Books, here's my favorite.
"I challenged myself to make 50 different monkeys. I got to 50 and didn't stop. When I got to 70 something my boyfriend felt the monkeys were taking over our home. So, with much encouragement from my family and friends I am offering them to you and your home (just don't get 70 or more - it's overwhelming for some people)."
It was so hard to decide which monkey to get but in the end I went with this guy. He arrived this week and is just super!